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Launch Solidworks 2020/21 from AppsAnywhere

Launch Solidworks 2020/21 from AppsAnywhere

When you use macOS
When you use Windows 10
  • Proceed with the instructions below

1. Sign in to AppsAnywhere: https://apps.engineering.queensu.ca/

  • Use your netID and password

2. Search for Solidworks in the search field.

3. Launch Solidworks 2020/21

4. AppsAnywhere launch window will appear and Solidworks 2020/21 will launch.

Note: Due to the application size, it can take several minutes for Solidworks 2020/21 to launch and virtualize.

Experiencing problems launching Solidworks 2020/21?

Not Enough Cache Space Available

  • If launching on VDI using VMware Horizon Client, disconnect and reconnect. This should remove any temp files and clear up space.
  • If you are launching on a personal device, you may need to clear up some drive space (if unable to free up space, try connecting to the VMware Horizon Client to launch Solidworks 2020/21).

Virtualization Error

Remove Solidworks 2020/21 from Cloudpaging player and re-launch from AppsAnywhere.


If you are still unable to launch Solidworks 2020/21, Contact FEAS IT Support